






[1]    Title: “A Compiler Approach to Perform the Variable Voltage Scheduling for Components”
作者: J. K. Lee, Yi-Ping You , Chi Wu.

[2]    Title: “System and Process for Roaming Thin Clients in a Wide Area Network with Transparent Working Environment”,美國專利,申請日為April 29, 2002,申請號Application No. 10/135,98318個月早期公開日期為Oct 30, 2003
作者: G. H. Hwang

[3]    Title: 漫游輕量用戶端於廣域網路中並且具有透明工作環境之系統與方法,申請日: 平成14829日,特願:2002-252140
作者: G. H. Hwang

[4]    Title: 漫游輕量用戶端於廣域網路中並且具有透明工作環境之系統與方法,申請日: 91510日,申請案號: 091109764
作者: G. H. Hwang

[5]    Title: 漫游轻量用户端于广域网络中的系统与方法,申請號: 02120048.3,申請日: 2002521日。
作者: G. H. Hwang



[1]    Title: “An Optimization Technique of Object-Oriented Programs on the Hardware Architecture with a Fast Device for the Access of Activation Records”, ROC Patent No. 090111864, 2002.
作者:J. K. Lee, Chung-Kai Chen, Peng-Sheng Chen, Ming-Jer Tsai




[1]    C. F. Lin, Y. C. Chung, and D. L. Yang, “Parallel Shear-Warp Factorization Volume Rendering Using Efficient 1-D and 2-D Partitioning Schemes on Distributed Memory Multicomputers,” The Journal of Supercomputing (SCI,EI), Vol. 22, No.3, July 2002. pp. 277-302.

[2]    S. K. Liao, Y. C. Chung, and Jim Z.C. Lai, “A Two-Level Differential Volume Rendering Method for Time-Varying-Volume-Data,” The Journal of WSCG, Vol. 10, No. 1, Feb. 2002. pp. 287-294.



[1]      V. W. Soo and C. Y. Lin, “Online Incremental Learning in Bilateral Multi-Issue Negotiation,” Proc. of International Conference on Autonomous Agents And Multi-Agent Systems, July 15th - 19th, 2002. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[2]      V. W. Soo, C. Y. Lee, C. C. Yeh and C. C. Chen, “ Using Sharable Ontology to Retrieve Historical Images,” Proc. of ACM/IEEE International Joint Conference of Digital Library (EI), 2002, July 14-18, 2002. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[3]      V. W. Soo and H. L. Cheng, “Conduction the Disambiguation Dialogue Between Software Agent Sellers and Human Buyers,” Proc. of the 5th Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents, August 2002. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[4]      蘇豐文、張孟曾、吳俸昌、葉禮宗, “透過個人化問路代理人提供行進路徑指引, “ 二十一世紀數位生活與網際網路科技研討會,成大 2002. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[5]      Y. H. Wang, Hua-Chien Chen, and Shih-Wel Kao, “Mobile Agent-based Platform Supports to e-Market Place,” Workshops Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, September 26-28, 2001, Tamshui, Taiwan, pp. 9-16.

[6]      V. W. Soo and C. A. Hung, “Learning to Negotiate under Bounded Number of Messages in Multi-Issue Negotiation,” Proc. of 2002 International Conference on Parallel Processing, August 18-21, 2002. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[7]      H. C. Hsiao and C. T. King, “Neuron: A Wide-Area Service Discovery Infrastructure, “Proc. 2002 International Conference on Parallel Processing (EI), August 18-21, 2002. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[8]      H. C. Hsiao and C. T. King, “ Modeling and Evaluating Peer-to-Peer Storage Architectures, “ Proc. of IEEE/ACM Int'l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, April 15-19, 2002. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[9]      C. W. Chen, C. K. Chen, and J. K. Lee, “Building Ontology for Optimization and Composition of Parallel JavaBean Programs,” Proc. of International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks, May 22-24, 2002, pp. 233-238. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[10]  P. C. Wey, J. S. Chen, C. W. Chen, and J. K. Lee, “Support and Optimization of Java RMI over Bluetooth Environments,” Proc. of ACM Java Grande - ISCOPE 2002 Conference, November3-5, 2002. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[11]  Y. P. You, C. R. Lee, and J. K. Lee, “Compiler Analysis and Supports for Leakage Power Reduction on Microprocessors,” Proc. of ACM Java Grande - ISCOPE 2002 Conference (EI), November3-5, 2002. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[12]  Y. J. Lin, Y. S. Hwang, and J. K. Lee, “Compiler Optimizations with DSP-Specific Semantic Descriptions.” Proc. of Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing (EI), July 25-27, 2002.

[13]  W. K. Liao and P. H. Shih, “Architecture of Proxy Partial Caching Using HTTP for Supporting Interactive Video and Cache Consistency.” Proc. of 11th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, October 14 - 16, 2002. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[14]  T. Y. Huang, K. L. Huang and Y. C. Chung, “An Iterative Integer Linear Programming Method for Bounding Program Performance on Embedded Systems,” Proc. of the International Computer Symposium, December, 2002. pp. 142-149.

[15]  C. F. Lin, Y. C. Chung, and D. L. Yang, “TRLE - An Efficient Data Compression Scheme for Image Composition of Volume Rendering on Distributed Memory Multicomputers,” Proc. of Pacific Rim Multi-Agent Workshop Conference, May 14-17, 2002.

[16]  J. S. Liu, “Designing Agents for Context-Rich Information Tasks”, Proceedings of the Fifth Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents, Tokyo, Japan, August, 2002. pp. 205-219.

[17]  G. H. Hwang, “An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Communication Sets for Data Parallel Programs with Block-Cyclic Distribution,” Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops (EI),18-21 August 2002, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. ISBN 0-7695-1680-7. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[18]  G. H. Hwang, and Tao-Ku Chang, “sXQuery: A Secure XML Query Language for XML Documents,” Proc. of International Conference on Internet Computing 2002, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. CSREA Press, ISBN 1-892512-38-6. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[19]  Yarsun Hsu and Jinsoo Kim, “Object Characteristics and Memory Behavior of Java Programs,” Proc. of the 11th Annual Wireless and Optical Communication Conference, New Jersey, April, 2002.

[20]  Yarsun Hsu, “High Performance Server Architecture,” Proc. of Bioinformatics and BioGrid 2002 Workshop on BioGrid Technology and Applications, Nov., 2002.




[1]    2002/05/25 - 2002年人工智慧論壇

[2]    2002/05/30 - 位置認知計算及隨意網路研討會

[3]    2002/08/07 - 先進網路及處理器研討會

[4]    2002/12/19 - 內嵌式系統與超長指令集數位訊號處理器之編譯器技術研討會

[5]    2003/02/18 - 智慧型代理人研討會



[1]    2002/05/08 - Tsung-Chuan Huang
題目:Run-time Scheduling for Doacross Loops

[2]    2002/05/15 -許鈞南 博士 (中研院資科所)
題目:Bayesian Learning and its Applications in Data Mining

[3]    2002/05/16 - Prof. Xian-He Sun (Illinois Institute of Technology)
題目:Process Migration in Heterogeneous Distributed Environments

[4]    2002/05/22 -熊博安 教授 (中正資工系)
題目:Formal Methods for Real-Time Embedded Software Engineering

[5]    2002/05/28 -楊佳玲 教授 (台大資工系)
題目:The Push ArchitectureA Prefetching Framework for Linked Data Structures

[6]    2002/05/28 -莊廷瑞 研究員 (中研院資訊所)
題目:Specification Languages for Advanced Internet Applications

[7]    2002/09/18 - Prof. Ten-Hwang Lai (The Ohio State University)
題目:Is Bluetooth or IEEE 802.11suitable for supporting multi-hop ad hoc/sensor networks?

[8]    2002/09/26 - Jason Huang (Co-Founder and CTO, Viosoft Corporation)
題目:Embedded System Designs with Emerging Network Processors Market Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities

[9]    2002/10/03 - Prof. Casimir Kulikowski (Rutgers University)
題目:Bridging Levels of Knowledge and their Representations in Biomedical Informatics: From Molecular to the Clinical-How Intelligent Should Agents Become?

[10]  2002/10/22 – 蔡明哲 博士 (ITRI CCL)
題目:Experiences on Smart Card and Embedded System Design

[11]  2002/10/23 - 鍾葉青 教授 (逢甲大學)
題目:A Rotate-Tiling Image Composition Method for Parallel Volume Rendering on Distributed Memory Multicomputers

[12]  2002/11/13 - 黃泰一 教授
題目:Performance Analysis of Embedded System Software

[13]  2002/12/17 - Dr. Steve Liao (Microprocessor Research Lab)
題目:Compiler for Helper-Threading




[1] 小產學計畫與核興科技計畫先期技轉 2002




[1]   智原科技 - Supporting Compiler Toolkits for DSP and Advanced Microprocessors

[2]  工研院電通所 - Reconfigurable CPU開發環境之架構






[1]      陳呈瑋Innovative Ideas With Web Technologies For Parallelizing Compilers



[2]      簡君穎「以網際網路為基之工作流程管理系統設計」

[3]      吳俸昌「在時間限制下的個人化斿遊行程規劃」

[4]      林昭民「使用特定領域的詞彙集與本體論回答簡單的歷史問題」

[5]      張孟曾「問路代理人中中文路徑指令產生器的設計」

[6]      葉禮宗「對話介面代理人-以推薦遊行程為例」

[7]      葉肇鈞「透過語意網方式使用可分享的本體知識結構擷取歷史圖片

[8]      陳卓觀「代理人技術應用於全球運籌管理之即時線上訂單追蹤」

[9]      鄧友賓「XML應用於電子商務資料交換整合研究」

[10]  曾幸怡「客服中心之營運模式建立及執行規劃」

[11]  陳淑芬Designing Context Server for Context-Aware Computing

[12]  林俊劦The Design and Implementation of Hierarchical Lookup Service

[13]  朱庭弘A Gateway to Jini from Non-Java World

[14]  侯佳興The Framework of Sensor Networks Supporting Context-Aware Computing

[15]  洪國新Sniper: A Highly-available, Load-sharing, User-administrable Web Server

[16]  陳忠信Optimizations of Scatternet formation on Bluetooth Environments

[17]  李佳訓Probabilistic Inference Schemes for Sparsity Structure of Fortran 90 Array Intrinsics

[18]  魏溥辰Supporting Java RMI over Bluetooth Enviroments

[19]  游逸平Compiler and OS Optimizations for Low Power

[20]  龍清榮Efficient Load Balancing Methods for Cellular Mobile Networks

[21]  張傳鑫A Configurable Hard Real-Time Operating System Based on uC/OS-II Kernel for Flight Controls

[22]  蔡元璋An Integrated Design for Automatic System Development Tool Kits Generation

[23]  吳俊賢A Service Composition Framework for Service Discovery/Delivery Based on SLP

[24]  鄭昆霖The Integration of GPS and GIS on PDAs

[25]  吳柏毅Failure Recovery and Compensation Model in Workflow  Management Systems

[26]  張道顧The Operational Model for Securing XML Documents

[27]  張勝仁An Approach To Test Concurrent Client/Server Database Application

[28]  蘇東侯Data Routing Optimization in Distributed Workflow Management Systems

[29] 孫弘民Multinode Heartbeat for High Availability on Server Foarm