






[1] Title: 





[1]    Y. H. Wang and C. H. Lin, “An Internet-Based Distance Learning for English,” Journal of Internet Technology, Vol.2, No.4, Oct. 2001, pp. 243-252.

[2]    P. Holt, F. Lin, K. Stauffer, G. Jelica and T.K. Shih, “An Infrastructure for Developing Agents for Distance Education on the Internet,” Journal of Computers, Vol. 13, No. 2, June 2001, pp. 77 – 92.

[3]    G. H. Hwang, D. Z. Ju, and J. K. Lee,Array Operation Synthesis to Optimize HPF Programs on Distributed Memory Machines,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (SCI,EI), 2001 pp. 467-500. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[4]    R. G. Chang, T. R. Chuang, and J. K. Lee, “Parallel Sparse Supports for Array Intrinsic Functions of Fortran 90,” Journal of Supercomputing (SCI,EI), pp. 305-339, 2001. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[5]    D. L. Yang, J. C. Yu, and Y. C. Chung, ”Efficient Compositing Methods for the Sort-Last-Sparse Parallel Volume Rendering System on Distributed Memory Multicomputers,” The Journal of Supercomputing (SCI,EI), Vol. 18, No. 2, Feb. 2001, pp. 201-220.

[6]    William C. Chu, D. L. Yang, J. C. Yu, and Y. C. Chung, “UMPAL: An Unstructured Mesh Partitioner and Load Balancer on World Wide Web,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering (SCI,EI), Vol. 17, No. 4, July 2001, pp. 595-614.



[1]      V. W. Soo, J. S. Liu and C. N. Chiang, “Exploiting Contextual Knowledge for Information Retrieval in a Multiagent-Based Digital Library Service System,” Proc. of International Conference on New Information Technology, 29-31 May 2001. (NSC 89-2750-P-007-002-4 and MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[2]      J. S. Liu, V. W. Soo, C. N. Chiang, C. Y. Lee , and C. Y. Lin, “Agent-Mediated Information Retrieval for Official Gazettes,” Proc. of Pacific Rim Multi-Agent Workshop, 2001. (NSC 89-2750-P-007-002-4 and MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[3]      W. T. Hsu and V. W. Soo, “Market Performance of Adaptive Trading Agents in Synchronous Double Auctions,” Proc. of Pacific Rim Multi-Agent Workshop, 2001. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[4]      V. W. Soo, “A Case Study on Agent-Mediated Information Retrieval for Chinese Government Official Gazettes and Multi-media Historic Literature,” Proc. of Public Risk Management Association, 22nd Annual Conference, June, 2001. (NSC 89-2750-P-007-002-4 and MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[5]      V. W. Soo and S. H. Liang, “Recommending a Trip Plan by Negotiation with a Software Travel Agent,” Proc. of International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (SCI), September, 2001. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[6]      M. C. Hsu and V. W. Soo, “A Secure Multi-Agent Vickrey Auction Scheme,” Proc. Workshop on Deception, Fraud, and Trust in Agent Societies, May 29 2002. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[7]      V. W. Soo, and C. Y. Lin, “Ontology-Based Information Retrieval in a Multi-Agent System for Digital Library,” Proc. of Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications. (NSC 89-2213-E-007–066 and MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[8]      Y. J. Chen and V. W. Soo, “Ontology-Based Information Gathering Agents,” Proc. of Web Intelligence 2001, October 23-26, 2001 (NSC 89-2213-E-007–066 and MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4). 

[9]      J. S. Liu, and M. H. Tseng, Extracting Government Personnel Information from Official Gazettes, Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Kaoshiung, Taiwan, November 2001, pp. 593-598.

[10]  Y. H. Wang, C. M. Chung, A. C. Cheng, and W. N. Wang, “Mobile Agents over e-business,” Workshops Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, September 26-28, 2001, Tamshui, Taiwan, pp. 65-72

[11]  R. G. Chang, J. S. Li, T. R. Chuang, and J. K. Lee, “Probabilistic Inference Schemes for Sparsity Structures of Fortran 90 Array Intrinsics.” Proc. of 2001 International Conference on Parallel Processing (EI), September 3-7, 2001. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[12]  Y. S. Hwang, P. S. Chen, J. K. Lee, and R. Ju, “Probabilistic Points-to Analysis.” Proc. of Languages and Compilers for High-Performance Computing (SCI,EI), 2001. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[13]  D. L. Yang , C. T. Pan , and Y. C. Chung , “An Efficient Hash-Based Method for Discovering the Maximal Frequent Set,” Proceedings of IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (EI)(COMPSAC), Oct. 2001, Chicago, USA. pp. 511-516.

[14]  C. F. Lin, D. L. Yang, and Y. C. Chung, “A Marching Voxels Method for Surface Rendering of Volume Data,” Proceedings of IEEE Computer Graphics International (EI), July 2001, Hong Kong. pp. 306-313.

[15]  C. F. Lin, D. L. Yang, and Y. C. Chung, “A Rotate-Tiling Image Composition Method for Parallel Volume Rendering on Distributed Memory Multicomputers,” Proceedings of IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposiums (CD-ROM), April 2001.

[16]  W.K. Liao and C.T. King “Proxy Prefetch and Prefix Caching,” Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Parallel Processing (EI), Sept. 2001. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[17]  C. H. Lee, S.K. Hung, C.T. King, and Y. Hsu, “A Reliable Multicast Protocol over Virtual Interface Architecture,” Proc. of 8th Workshop on Compiler Techniques for High Performance Computing, March 14-15 2002. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[18]  G. H. Hwang and T. K. Chang, “Document Security Language (DSL) and an Efficient Automatic Securing Tool for XML Documents,” Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Internet Computing, June, 2001. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)




[1]    2001/07  於台北圓山飯店主辦PRIMA 2001

[2]    2001/07  Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Advanced Planning Systems


[3]    2001/10  淡大舉辦網際網路代理人技術應用研討會 AITA2001

[4]    2001/12  智慧型代理人研討會

[5]    2002/02  智慧型與行動代理人研討會

[6]    2002/03  普及計算先進技術研討會



[1]    2001/02/07 - Warren Barkley, Program manager of Wireless Mobility, Microsoft
題目:Peer to Peer and Advanced Communications

[2]    2001/03/30 – 楊錦潭 教授(高師大)
題目:Some Issues on Design & implementation of RMI/CORBA

[3]    2001/04/11 - Jean-Pierre Jouannaud
題目:Real time protocols: from the modelisation to the proof

[4]    2001/05/08 –葉慶隆 教授 (大同大學資訊工程所
題目:Agent-Mediated Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce

[5]    2001/05/30 –中正大學資工系 陳添福 教授
題目:Software Agent Research at the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition

[6]    2001/05/22 - Jeff Bradshaw
題目:Dynamic Binary Re-Optimization : Just-in-Time Performance Delivery

[7]    2001/06/12 –王台平 教授(真理大學資訊管理系及管理科學研究所

[8]    2002/07/27 - David Kinny (University of Melborne)
題目:Programming languages for BDI Agent Architectures

[9]    2002/07/27 - Tossapan Boongoen (Cranfield University)
題目:JACK: Intelligent Agent Technology

[10] 2002/07/27 - Qijia TIAN (City University of Hong Kong, AGECOP)
題目:Agent-based Electronic Commerce Platform

[11] 2001/10   Mike Huhns
題目:Consensus Ontologies: Reconciling the Semantics of Web Pages and Agents

[12] 2001/11/13 –互慧科技 王銘德 經理
題目:Penbex O.S & SDK 2001

[13] 2001/12/  –Lewis Johnson
題目:Design and control of embodied agents & Human-agent interaction

[14] 2001/12/  –Sendip Sen
題目:Negotiation and learning in multiagent systems & Buyer's agents in electronic marketplaces

[15] 2002/01/03 - University of Minnesota Prof. Wei-Chung Hsu
題目:Dynamic Binary Re-Optimization :  Just-in-Time Performance Delivery

[16] 2002/02/21 - Eff Bradshaw and Suri Niranjan
題目:Mobile Agents




[1] Hung-Chang Hsiao, “Armada: autonomous mobile agent communications.”




[1]   互慧科技 - Integrating Bluetooth Spec. and Simulator into Penbex PDA and OS 計畫

[2]  工研院電通所 - Compiler for Low Power







[1]      許峰睿「企業間資訊分享在同步造之應用-以汽車製造為例」

[2]      李美芬「製造體系間電子化採購作業系統之發展程序」

[3]      馮筱寧「在無線Ad Hoc網路上利用全球定位系統動態設定DSR路由協定快取內鏈結逾時時間」

[4]      丁士昂「在多個動態分時雙工頻道上以斜錯訊框方式來運用封包保留多重擷取」

[5]      梁書豪「旅遊代理人以協商之方式推薦斿遊行程」

[6]      鄭海龍「在買賣代理人中引導解除對話的模糊」

[7]      林俊佑「在數位困書多代理人系統中以本體論為基礎的內容檢索」

[8]      洪俊安「在有限傳遞訊息下多屬性雙邊協商的學習」

[9]      郭瑞忠Active Proxy for Web Mail Prefetching

[10]  陳奕霖The LDAP Cache Proxy

[11]  林宜慶A Study on a Hard Real-time Scheduler for the NS Emulator

[12]  楊書銘The Design and Implementation of an IAM2000s C Compiler

[13]  陳戊鋐A Real-Time Flight Control Embedded System Based on mC/OS-II Kernel

[14]  Ching-Hao, LeeReliable Multicast Over Virtual Interface Architecture

[15]  Yung-Ching, LiARMulator for Embedded System Design