






[1] Title: 





[1]    D. L. Yang, Y. C. Chung, C. C. Chen, and C. J. Liao, “ A Dynamic Diffusion Optimization Method for Irregular Finite Element Graph Partitioning,” The Journal of Supercomputing (SCI,EI), Vol. 17, No.1, August 2000. pp. 91-110.

[2]    W. K. Shih, C. D. Lin, Y. W. Chang, and J. K. Lee,Real-Time Gang Scheduling with Workload Models for Parallel Computers,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering (SCI,EI), 16, 2000. pp. 333-347.



[1]    H.C. Hsiao and C.T. King, “Boosting the Performance of NOW-based Shared Memory Multiprocessors through Directory Hints,” Proc. of IEEE Int'l Conf. On Distributed Computing Systems (EI) (ICDCS 2000), Apr. 2000. pp. 602—609.

[2]    H.C. Hsiao and C.T. King, “MICA: A Memory and Interconnect Simulation Environment for Cache-based Architectures,” Proc. of 33rd IEEE Annual Simulation Symposium (EI) (SS 2000), Apr. 2000. pp. 317—325.

[3]    C. W. Chen, C. K. Chen, and J. K. Lee, Runtime Compositions and Optimizations of Parallel JavaBean Programs on Clustering Environments, Proc. of PDPTA '2000 (EI), USA, June 26-29 2000. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[4]    J. Z. Wu and J. K. Lee, A Bytecode Optimizer to Engineer Bytecodes for Performances,Proc. of Languages and compilers for high-performance computing (EI), August 2000. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[5]    C. R. Lee, J. K. Lee, T. T. Hwang, and S. C. Tsai, Compiler Optimization on Instruction Scheduling for Low power, Proc. International Symposium on System Synthesis, Madrid, Spain (SCIEI), Sep. 2000. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[6]    G. H. Hwang, “Multiple-Application-Server Topology for Thin-Client/Server Computing Model,” Proc. of the First Workshop on Advanced Software for Pervasive Environments and Information and Server Appliances, Dec. 2000. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[7]    C. J. Lee and Y C. Chung, “A Web-Based Parallel PDE Solver Generation System for Distributed Memory Computing Environments,” Proc. of IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (EI), October 2000. pp. 54-59.

[8]    C. Y. Liao, J. S. Liu , and Y. C. Chung, “JPDCE: A Java Parallel and Distributed Computing Environment,” Proc. of Fifth Symposium on Computer and Communication Technology, Oct. 2000. pp. 3B19-3B24.

[9]    J. S. Liu, J. Y. Lin, and Y. C. Chung, “Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Multi-Dimensional Matrix Operations,” Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Parallel Architectures (EI), 2000, pp. 224-229.

[10] V. Wang, H.M. Chang, and V. W. Soo, “Buying and Selling Movie Tickets in Agent Mediated Auction in Taipei City,” Proc. of Assistive Technology Industry Association 2001,

 January 24-27, 2001. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[11] Jinsoo Kim and Yarsun Hsu, “ Memory System Behavior of Java Programs: Methodology and Analysis,”  Proc. of ACM International Conf on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, ACM SIGMETRICS 2000 (EI), Santa Clara, June 17-21, 2000. Received best paper award.




[1]    2000/5/31 - Agent Technology Workshop (ATWORK2000).

[2]    2000/10/23 - CAIIC2000, the International Conference of Computer Assisted Instruction and Internet Computing.

[3]    2000/11/29 - Mobile Computing environmentDevice, protocol and application software workshops.

[4]    2000/12/29 -第一屆普遍計算環境的先進軟體技術及應用研討會(ASPEISA’00).

[5]    2000/12/27 -電子商務與代理人技術講習會.



[1]    2000/11/24 - 楊朝棟博士
題目:The implementation and applications of clustering systems

[2]    2000/12/08 - 鍾葉青教授
題目:A Web-Based Parallel PDE Solver Generation System for Distributed Memory Multicomputers

[3]    2000/12/15 - 倪明選教授
題目:Trends and Issues in the Internet

[4]    2001/03   - Carl Hewitts




[1] W. K. Liao and C.T. King, "A Framework on Management for Proxy Cache at Core Network Boundary."










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