






[1]    Title: ulti-user Network Audio System on Unix-based Operating Systems”,美國專利,申請案號為 10/439,72,申請日為 05/16/2003,預計公開日為11/18/2004
作者: G. H. Hwang

[2]    Title: “UNIX作業系統上之多使用者網路音訊系統,美國專利,申請案號為10/439,721,申請日為 民國92728日,申請案號: 092116728
作者: G. H. Hwang



[1]    Title :Component-Activity Data-Flow Equation in Compiler for Low Power Instruction Sets”, ROC Patent, No. 090115630, 2003.
作者: J. K. Lee, Yi-Ping You, and Ching-Ren Lee




[1]    G. H. Hwang, C. W. Cheng, J. K. Lee, and D.C. Ju, “Segmented Alignment: A New Automatic Data Alignment Model for Data Parallel Programs,” Journal of Supercomputing (SCI,EI), 25 (1): 17-41, May 2003. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[2]    S. K. Liao, C. F. Lin, Y. C. Chung, and Jim Z.C. Lai, “A Differential Volume Rendering Method with Second-Order-Difference  for Time-Varying-Volume-Data,” International Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (SCI), Vol. 14, No.3, June 2003, pp. 233-254. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[3]    T. Y. Huang, C. C. Chou, and P. Y. Chen, “Bounding the Execution Times of DMA I/O Tasks on Hard-Real-Time Embedded Systems,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (SCI,EI), 2003. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[4]    C. R. Lee, J. K. Lee, T. T. Hwang, and S. C. Tsai, “Compiler Optimizations on VLIW Instruction Scheduling for Low Power,” ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (SCI,EI), 8(2): 252-268, 2003. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[5]    C. W. Chen and J. K. Lee, “Case Study: An Infrastructure for C/ATLAS Environment with Object-Oriented Design and XML Representation,” Journal of System and Software (SCI,EI), to appear. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[6]    H. C. Hsiao and C. T. King, “Tornado: Capability-Aware Peer-to-Peer Storage Networks,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (SCI,EI), 2003, to appear (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.) (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[7]    V. W. Soo, C.Y. Lee, and C. M. Lin , “Answering Simple Historical Questions by Ontology and Semantic Annotated Documents,” (Invitedpaper)  Archives Quarterly, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2003. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.).

[8]    P. C. Wey, J. S. Chen, C. W. Chen, J. K. Lee , “Support and Optimization of Java RMI Over Bluetooth Environments,” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Wiley (Special Issue for Java Grande-ISCOPE 2002). (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[9]    P. S. Chen, M. Y. Hung, Y. S. Hwang, Roy D. C. Ju, J. K. Lee, “Compiler Support for Speculative Multithreading Architecture with Probabilistic Points-To Analysis,” ACM SIGPLAN NOTICES, Vol 38, Issue 10, Oct. 2003. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[10] 楊錦潭,陳年興,柯秀佳,洪雪芬,吳宗憲,林建良, “SCORM教材順序規格的教學情境探討,” 資訊學會通訊 (Institute of Information & Computing Machinery)

[11] 楊錦潭, 宗立達, “SCORM規格學習物件在教材編輯的應用-以高師大教材庫管理系統為例,” 教學科技與媒體.p. 65(3),75-84.

[12] Yang, J. T., “Visualizing Argumentation Software Tools for Collaborative and Educational Sense-Making,” Educational Technology & Society Journal, 6(3), 86-88.

[13] G. H. Hwang , S. J. Chang, and H. D. Chu, “Technology for Testing Nondeterministic Client/Server Database Applications,” Accepted for publication in IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[14] G. H. Hwang, Y. C. Lee , and B. Y. Wu, “A New Language to Support Flexible Failure Recovery for Workflow Management Systems,” In Jesus Favela and Dominique Decouchant (Eds.): Groupware: Design, Implementation and Use, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2806, ISBN 3-540-20117-3, 2003, pp. 135-150. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)



[1]    H. C. Hsiao and C. T. King, “Tornado: Capability-Aware Peer-to-Peer Storage Networks,” Proc. of IEEE/ACM Int'l Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (SCI,EI), Apr. 2003. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[2]    H. C. Hsiao and C. T. King, “Bristle: A Mobile Structured Peer-to-Peer Architecture,” Proc. of IEEE/ACM Int'l Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (SCI,EI), Apr. 2003. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[3]    H. C. Hsiao and C. T. King, “A Tree Model for Structured Peer-to-Peer Protocols,” Proc. of Int'l Workshop on Global and Peer-to-Peer Computing on Large Scale Distributed Systems, May, 2003. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[4]    H. C. Hsiao, C. M. Lin, and C. T. King, “A Spontaneous Overlay Search Tree,” Proc. of Euro-Par 2003, Aug. 2003. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[5]    H. C. Hsiao and C. T. King, “Similarity Discovery in Structured P2P Overlays,” Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Parallel Processing (EI), Oct. 2003(MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[6]    Jerry Chou and T. Y. Huang, “A Scalable and Load-Balanced Lookup Protocol for High-Performance Peer-to-Peer Distributed,” Proc. of International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, June 2003. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[7]    G. H. Hwang, Y. C. Lee, and B. Y. Wu, “A New Language to Support Flexible Failure Recovery for Workflow Management Systems,” Proc. of 19th International Workshop on Groupware, October, 2003. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[8]    G. H. Hwang and T. K. Chang, “Towards Attribute Encryption and a Generalized Encryption Model for XML,” Proc. of International Conference on Internet Computing, June 23th - 26th 2003. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[9]    P. S. Chen, M. Y. Hung, Y. S. Hwang, Roy D. C. Ju, and J. K. Lee, “Compiler Support for Speculative Multithreading Architecture with Probabilistic Points-To Analysis,” Proc. of ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (EI), June 11-13, 2003.

[10] V. W. Soo, C. Y. Lee, C. C Lin, S. L. Chen, and C. C. Chen, “Automated Semantic Annotation and Retrieval Based on Sharable Ontology and Case-Based Learning Techniques,” Proc. of ACM/IEEE Joint Conference of Digital Libraries, 2003. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[11] K. M. Chao, M. Younas, R. Anane, C. F. Tsai, and V. W. Soo, “Degree of Satisfaction in Agent Negotiation,” Proc of IEEE E-Commerce 2003. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[12] M. Johnson, P. Chang,  J. Bradshaw, M. Breedy,  L. Bunch, S. Kulkarni, J. Lott, N. Suri, A. Uszok, and Von-Wun Soo, “Kaos Semntic Policy and Domain Services: An Application of DAML to Web Services-Based Grid Architectures,” Proc. of 2nd International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent System, July 2003. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[13] T. Y. Huang, C. C. Chou, P. Y. Chen, Bounding the Execution Times of DMA I/O Tasks on Hard-Real-Time Embedded Systems,” Proc. of 9th International Conference on Real-Time and Embedded Computing Systems and Applications (SCI,EI), February 18-20, 2003. (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)

[14] J. T. Yang, C. Y Tsai, An Implementation of SCORM-compliant Learning Content Management System - Content Repository Management System,” ICCE2003, Athens, Greece. Yang, J. T. & Lee, C. C.(2003). An Implementation of Online Course Authoring Tool --Based on Learning Object Repository at National Kaohsiung Normal University. CATE2003, Athens, Greece.

[15] 楊錦潭, 江南輝, 超媒體教材導引模式對學習迷失之影響-以高市高職生對半導體學習單元為例,” ICCAI2003台北市:台灣師範大學.

[16] 楊錦潭, 林建良, 數位學習中代理人為基礎的教導模式支援適性化教材順序初探,” ICCAI2003.  台北市:台灣師範大學.

[17] 楊錦潭, 方榮爵, 吳宗憲, 實作符合SCORM規範的網路教材編輯工具,” ICCAI2003. 台北市:台灣師範大學.

[18] 許靜坤, 楊錦潭, 建構網路教材個案實作-以國中數學課程單元為例,” ICCAI2003. 台北市:台灣師範大學.

[19] J. T. Yang, C. Y. Tsai, SCORM-Compliant Content Repository for Sharable Learning Objects,” WISCS2003, Kaohsiung city: National Kaohsiung Normal University.

[20] J. T. Yang, P. T. Yu, C. C Lee , Using Ontology as Recommending Strategy—A Case of Math at Junior High School Level,” ICCE2003, Hong Kong, China.

[21] J. T.Yang, L. T. Tsung , An Implementation of SCORM-Compliant Courseware Authoring Tools for Teachers at Primary & Secondary School Level,” ICCE2003, Hong Kong, China.

[22] 楊錦潭, 張彥宇, 高中英文重補修課程於K12數位學習平台之個案研究,” 空中大學:遠距教育國際學術研討會.

[23] 楊錦潭, 李季錦, 導入知識管理系統於學校行政之探討,” 台南師範學院:92年度師範院校教育學術論文發表會.

[24] T. K. Chang and G. H. Hwang, Using the Extension Function of XSLT and DSL to Secure XML Documents,” Accepted as a long paper for presentation in the 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2004), Fukuoka, Japan. (a 26% acceptance rate) (MOE Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities under the grant number 89-E-FA04-1-4.)







[1]    2003/09/15 - Wei-Min Shen (Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California)
題目:Self-Reconfigurable Robots and Digital Hormones





[1]    博士生交流: 送Paul Chang 至IHMC研究六個月,成果列於[4]。

[2]    Simmons College Ching-Chih Chen 合作研究共同發表論文 V. W. Soo, Chen-Yu. Lee, Chung-Cheng Lin, Shu-Lei Chen, and Ching-chih Chen, “Automated semantic annotation and retrieval based on sharable ontology and case-based learning techniques,” ACM/IEEE Joing Conference of Digital Libraries, Houston, TX, In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE JCDL Conference, 2003

[3]    Coventry University K-M Chao合作研究共同發表論文– K. M. Chao, M. Younas, R. Anane, C. F. Tsai and V. W. Soo, Degree of Satisfaction in Agent Negotiation, in Proceedings, IEEE E-Commerce 2003.

[4]    IHMC Jeff. Bradshaw 合作研究共同發表論文- M. Johnson, P. Chang, J. Bradshaw, M. Breedy, L. Bunch, S. Kulkarni, J. Lott, N. Suri, A. Uszok, and V. W. Soo, Kaos Semntic Policy and Domain Services: An Application of DAML to Web Services-Based Grid Architectures, Web Services Workshop at AAMAS 2003.

[5]    Intel - Functional Modeling of IXP Network Processor with Architecture Description Languages.

[6]    工研院電通所 - 無線感測器網路之普及計算中介軟體

[7]    工研院電通所 - 支援無線網路動態選取與組合應用軟體技術

[8]    Microsoft Research - High-Performance Computing Technologies and Applications Based on MS Window Systems

[9]    國家網路及高速計算中心 - Establishment and Study of a National Grid Computing Platform

[10]Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA 98052, USA - Constructing Scalable Web Services using Microsoft Rotor Code, PI: T. Y. Huang and C. T. King




[1]  引進 IHMCDr. Jeff BradshawPolicy-based management Ontology Tools




[1]      林軒毅An Efficient Communication Scheme for Fat-Tree Topology on InfiniBand Networks

[2]      方國州Supporting Device Independent Bluetooth Protocol Stack and Software Environments

[3]        Compilers for Low Power with Balance Scheduling

[4]      張功玉「透過信任第三者及聯盟代理人以避免勾結與欺騙之多代理人協商機制」

[5]      鄭兆翔「基於群體偏好的多代理人推薦系統」

[6]      董鴻文「在行動環境下推薦旅遊相關資訊的情境知覺式個人化代理人」

[7]      李佳青MuNAS: Multiuser Network Audio System for UUIX-based Operating Systems

[8]      陳允聖A Practical Approach for File Prefetching in Distributed File System

[9]      黃柏升Mobile Agent Location Management Using a Peer-to-peer Paradigm

[10]  林明儀MTORA: A Multicast Protocol in Ad-hoc Networks

[11]  林傳茂DIST: A Distributed Search Tree on a Structured Peer-to-peer Network

[12]  邱姿仁「Accessing Pervasive Services with Peer-to-peer Network

[13] 李駿逸Canal: A Distributed Service Composition System Using Mobile Agent