
Java enterprise server:


1.         N. Boden, D. Cohen. R. Felderman, A. Kulawik, C. Seitz, J. Seizovic, and W. K. Su, “A Giganet-per-second Local Area Network”, IEEE Micro, Vol. 15 No.1, pp. 29-36.

2.         C-C. Chang and T. von Eicken, “Javia: A Java Interface to the Virtual Interface Architecture,” Concurrency: Practice and Experience, December 1999.

3.         Thorsten von Eicken, Werner Vogels, “Evolution of the Virtual Interface Architecture”, IEEE, 1998.

4.         Enterprise JavaBeans Specification, Version 1.0, available at ftp://ftp.javasoft.com/docs/ejb/ejb.10.ps.

5.         D. Gannon, R. Bramley, T. Stuckey, J. Villacis, J. Balasubramanian, E. Akman, F. Breg, S. Diwan, and M. Govindaraju. “Component Architectures for Distributed Scientific Problem Solving,” Accepted for the Special Issue of IEEE CS&E Magazine on Languages for Computational Science and Engineering, April-June 1998.

6.         InfiniBand Trade Association. http://www.infinibandta.org/.

7.         VIA specification is available at http://www.viarch.org/html/Spec/vi_specification_version_10.htm.

8.         M-VIA: A High Performance Modular VIA for Linux, available at http://www.nersc.gov/ research/FTG/via/.




1.         Fabian Breg, Shridhar Diwan, Juan Villacis, Jayashree Balasubramanian, Esra Akman, and Dennis Gannon. “Java RMI Performance and Object Model Interoperability: Experiments with Java/HPC++,” Concurrency and Experience, 1998.

2.         James Gosling, Bill Joy, and Guy Steele, The Java Language Specification, The Java Series. Addison-Wesley, August 1996.

3.         IBM BlueDrekar, http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com.

4.         L.V. Kale and Sanjeev Krishnan, “CHARM++ : A Portable Concurrent Object Oriented System Based On C++,” Proceedings of the Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications, Sept-Oct 1993. ACM Sigplan Notes, Vol. 28, No. 10, pp. 91-108.

5.         Maassen, J., Nieuwpoort, R., Veldema, R., Bal, H., and Plaat, A. “An Efficient Implementation of Java's Remote Method Invocation,” In ACM Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP), July 1999.

6.         N. Narasimhan, L.E. Moser and P.M. Melliar-Smith. “Interceptors for Java Remote Method Invocation,” Concurrency and Computation:Practice and Experience.

7.         Christian Nester, Michael Philippsen und Bernhard Haumacher, “A More Efficient RMI for Java,” In Proc. ACM 1999 Java Grande Conference, June 12-14, 1999, pp. 152-159.

8.         OpenBT, http://www.openbt.org.


Pervasive computing:


1.         Charu Aggrawal, Joel L. Wolf, Philip S. Yu, “Caching on the World Wide Web”, Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Volume: 11 1 , Jan.-Feb. 1999 , Page(s): 94 –107.

2.         J. Callahan, “Moving toward Effortless Networking,” IEEE Computer, pp. 12-14, Nov. 1998.

3.         JINI specification is available at http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/guide/jni/spec/jniTOC.doc.html.

4.         Microsoft Universal Plug and Play homepage, http://www.upnp.org.

5.         Salutation Consotium homepage, http://www.salutation.org.

6.         Vahdat, P. Eastham, C. Yoshikawa, E. Belani, T. Anderson, D. Culler, and M. Dahlin, “WebOS: Operating System Services for Wide Area Applications”, Proc. of the 7th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, Aug. 1998, pp. 52-63.

7.         Venners, “Jini Technology, Out of the Box,” JavaWorld, http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jbe/jw-jbe-jini.html, Dec. 1998.


Peer-to-peer Computing:


1.         I. Clarke, O. Sandberg, B. Wiley, and T. W. Hong. “Freenet: A Distributed Anonymous Information Storage and Retrieval System,” In Workshop on Design Issues in Anonymity and Unobservability, pages 311-320, July 2000.

2.         Ian Foster, Carl Kesselman, “The Globus Project: A Status Report”, IPPS/SPDP ’98, 1998.

3.         Gnutella. http://gnutella.wego.com/.

4.         Napster. http://www.napster.com/.

5.         S. Ratnasamy, P. Francis, M. Handley, R. Karp, and S. Schenker. “A Scalable Content-Addressable Network,” In ACM SIGCOMM, pages 161-172, August 2001.

6.         I. Stoica, R. Morris, D. Karger, M. F. Kaashoek, and H. Balakrishnan. “Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-peer Lookup Service for Internet Applications,” In ACM SIGCOMM, pages 149-160, August 2001.

7.         The Globus Project, http://www.globus.org/.


Agent technologies


1.         Sara Reese Hedberg, “Intelligent Agents: The first Harvest of Softbots Looks Promising”. IEEE EXPERT, August, 1995.

2.         Oren Etzioni and Daniel S. Weld, “Intelligent Agents on the Internet: Fact, Fiction, and Forecast”, IEEE EXPERT, August, 1995.

3.         Michael Genesereth, Software Agents, CACM, Vol. 37, No. 7, July 1994.

4.         Michael Wooldridge, Nicholas R. Jennings “Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages: A Survey.” in Proc. of ECAI-94 workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures and Languages.

5.         Jeff. Bradshaw edited, Software Agents, AAAI press/MIT press, 1997.

6.         Moukas A., Maes P., "Amalthaea: An Evolving Multiagent Information Filtering and Discovery System for the WWW", invited paper for the first issue of the Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 1998.

7.         Michael Huhns, and Munindar Singh, Readings in Agents, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1998.

8.         M V Nagendra Prasad, Susan E. Lander and Victor R. Lesser, Cooperative Learning Over Composite Search Spaces: Experiences with a Multi-agent Design System, Proc. of AAAI’96.

9.      Matthias Klusch and Onn Shehory, A Polynomial Kernel-Oriented Coalition Algorithm for Rational Information Agents, ICMAS-96.

10.     Craig A. Knoblock and Jose Luse Luis Ambite, Agents for Information Gathering, In Software Agents, ed. By Jefrrey M. Bradshaw. AAAI press/MIT press 1997.

11.     Kalakota and Winston, Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Addison Wesley, 1996.

12.     Shih-Hung Wu and Von-Wun Soo, Escape from a Prisoner’s Dilemma by Communication with a Trusted Third Party, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 1998. 

13.     Shih-Hung Wu and Von-Wun Soo, A Fuzzy Game Theoretical Approach to Multi-agent Coordination, The First Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents (PRIMA'98). Shih-Yao Yang and Von-Wun Soo, Document Clustering Using Probabilistic Networks, International Computer Symposium, 1998.

14.     Huang Ho Shu An and Von-Wun Soo , Negotiation Strategies in Distributed Meeting Scheduling Using Mobile Agents, International Computer Symposium, 1998.

15.     Shih-Hung Wu, Von-Wun Soo, Game Theoretic Reasoning in Multi-agent Coordination by Negotiation with a Trusted Third Party, International Conference on Autonomous Agents 1999.

16.     Shih-Hung Wu, Von-Wun Soo, Risk Control in Multi-agent Coordination by Negotiation with a Trusted Third Party, In Proc. Of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Sweden, 1999.

17.     Tung-Ing Jiang and Von-Wun Soo, Coordinating Multiple Collaborative Strategies in Simulated Robotic Soccer Teams, In Proc. of PRIMA99, Kyoto.

18.     Timothy Lynn, Jyi-Shane Liu and Von-Wun Soo, Multi-agent Organization for Global Information Gathering, In Proc. of PRIMA99, Kyoto.

19.     Shih-Hung Wu, Von-Wun Soo, Making Rational Decisions in N-by-N Negotiation Games with a Trusted Third Party, In Proc. of PRIMA99, Kyoto, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1733, Springer.

20.     Von-Wun Soo, Agent Negotiation in Trusted-Third Party Mediated Uncertain Games, Barcelona, In Proc. of Autonomous Agents 2000.

21.     蘇豐文, 劉吉軒, 蔣嘉寧, 李鎮宇, 林俊佑, 政府公報代理人, 代理人技術研討會, 台北中研院, 2000.

22.     Shih-Hung Wu and Von-Wun Soo, Negotiation with Incomplete Information in the Trusted-Third Party Mediated Game, in Proc. of 2nd Workshop on Game Theoretic and Decision Theoretic Agents, ICMAS2000,Boston. (NSC-89-2213-E-007-066)

23.     Von-Wun Soo, Agent Negotiation under Uncertainty and Risk, In Proc. of PRIMA 2000, Melbourne.

24.     Von-Wun Soo, Jyi-Shane Liu and Chia-Ning Chiang, Exploiting Contextual Knowledge for Information Retrieval in A Multiagent-based Digital Library Service System, International Conference on New Information Technology, 2001.

25.     Von-Wun Soo and Shu-Hau Liang, Recommending a Trip Plan by Negotiation with a Software Travel Agent, In Proc. of International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents, AI Lecture Note Series, Springer, 2001

26.     Wei-Tek Hsu and Von-Wun Soo, Market Performance of Adaptive Trading Agents in Synchronous Double Auctions, In AI Lecture Notes Series, Springer, Proc. of PRIMA 2001.

27.     Yi-Jia Chen and Von-Wun Soo, Ontology-based Information Gathering Agents, In Proc. of Web Intelligence 2001, Japan.

28.     AI Magazine, Special Issue on Intelligent Agents on the Internet, Summer 1997.

29.     Chavez, A. and Maes, “Kasbah: an agent marketplace for buying and selling goods,” in Proceedings of the first International Conference on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology, London, U.K., 1996.

30.     Esmahi, L. and Dini, P., Toward an Open Virtual Market Place for Mobile, Agents, 1999.

31.     Fischer, K., Mueller, J.P., Heimig, I., and Scheer, A.-W., “Intelligent Agents in Virtual Enterprises,” Proc. of PAAM’96, London, 1996, pp.205-223.

32.     Franklin, S. and Graesser, A.,”Is it an Agent, or just a Program? A Taxonomy for Autonomous Agents,” Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages, Springer-Verlag, 1996.

33.     Falchuk, Benjamin, and Ahmed Karmouch. “A Mobile Agent Prototype for Autonomous Multimedia Information Access, Interaction, and Retrieval,” Proc. Multimedia Modeling ‘97, Singapore. 1997.

34.     IEEE Internet Computing, Special Issue on Internet-Based Agents, Vol. 1, No.3, July- August 1997.

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37.     Michael, N. and Larry, M., Automating Supply Chains, 2001.

38.     Morreale, P., Agents on the Move, IEEE Spectrum, April 1998, pp 34-41.

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40.     Nwana, H.S., and N. Azarmi, “Soft Agents and Soft Computing: Concepts and Applications,” Lecture Notes in Artficial Inteligence, Springer- Verlag, 1997.

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43.     Van Dyke Parunak, H., “What Can Agents Do in Industry, and Why?” Proc. of PAAM’96, London, 1996, pp. 205-223.

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